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Mission, Vision & Values

Mission Statement

Changing Lives from the Inside Out

Vision Statement

Building Bridges and Breaking Down Walls Between the Deaf & Hearing Communities


At VIVA Church we desire to honor Jesus Christ, we are committed to the authority of the Scriptures, and we are dependent upon the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. The vision of VIVA Church incorporates 6 core values:

1. Jesus Is the Center

All of who we are and everything we do revolves around Jesus.  Our purpose as a church is to lift Him up and enjoy him forever.  As we do so, He has promised to transform His people into His image and draw others unto Himself.  This is why our priority is to love Him and worship Him with all of our heart.

2. We Move In Faith

We run to take a leap.  Small steps of faith will help us reach greater things.  Our faith is in continual motion towards God and His purposes.  We start small but dream big and believe God to do the impossible.  He is still the God of miracles today.  We believe together with a faith that takes action.

3. We Are Called To Contribute

We are not consumers but contributors.  We are committed to being generous people.  We are selfless with our time, talents and treasures.  These are all gifts from God, so we give them back to Him and surrender our lives to be utilized by God for His purposes.

4. We Stay Connected

We can do nothing apart from Him.  We never rely on natural ability alone, but on the power of His Spirit.  Prayer, His Word, Fasting and Community are lifelines for our soul and power unto the Great Commission.  It is our desire to see these disciplines exercised in both our daily walk and corporate gatherings.

5. Less Is More

Since God is so profound, we keep church simple.  We do more by sticking to our priorities.  Everything we do as a church complements and revolves around our mission.

6. Heaven is Diverse, Church Should Be Also

Heaven will be filled with people worshiping from every tribe and tongue.  We believe we can reflect that truth on earth.  We gather together as a multi-cultural, multi-generational, multi-lingual and multi-background church.  We gather together understanding that Viva Church consists of people from every walk of life.  From the solid believer, to the seeker, to the person who may not believe at all, we know that God loves them where they are, for who they are and for who they can become. We are committed to seeing and loving people the way God sees and loves them.